Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blog 3: You've got character!

Describe in detail one character from your book. How does he look? How does she act? What are some of the things this character does that makes you like or dislike them? (Due by the end of the day Thursday, February 25 Online or in class on FRIDAY)


jim lohr said...

The oldest son of the Watson family is a pyromaniac wich means he likes fire and plays with fire. I dont like him though because my aunts house burned down when I was young.

krislin♥ said...

im going to describe katniss.from catching fire. she is a girl that lives in the 13th district. she has a little sister and her mom. her father passed away when she was little. she is into hunting and spending time with gail. but it all changes when she wins the hunger game. she has to be very proper when she is one the victory tour. and thats not her. I'm like katniss i dont like having to be forced to do something. i would do anything for family.

Unknown said...

The girl in my book I am going to describe lucy she helped out the homecoming queen with her hair I really like the chacters and every charcater in my book.

AshleighTaylor said...

Will the aprentice. This young boy lives Arulen. He was 3 very good freinds his friends Hoarce and Evilyn and ranger and master Halt. Will us a very strong young boy and knnows when to think and what to think. He can solve a problem *snap* like that. HE also has a very keen eye when it comes to battle. i think i'm some what like Will he will do anything for his friends and will not give up.

Joseph said...

I'm describing Robert Langdon from Angles and Demons. He is 40 year old College professor. The collage he teaches at is Harvard. He teaches symbolism in art. He was sent to a science facility in Sweden Because a a ancient symbol was found on a dead man's body. The symbol was the symbol of the Illuminati who are a satanic cult.

Unknown said...

Well my book "Freemason" really doesn't have a character. But one of the more famous Freemasons was Benjamin Franklin. Also George Washington was a Mason. Infact most of our founding fathers were Masons! The Freemasons are said to be linked to the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar were the major force in the Christian Crusades. They were easily distinguishable by the red cross depicted on the're Sheilds and Tunics.

Unknown said...

Im going to tell you about Suze Simon from the mediator. She is a really funny person with a really bad temper. She breaks peoples noses for just talking to her. She does everything to protect her family from the ghost that she does. in A way me and Suze are the same because we both do uor best to protect our family.

-Abbey Grifftih

Unknown said...

My character in my book is a ghost maniac named travis. While going to his grandmas hotel hemakes everyone believ that this place is haunted and with the help of his sister coery they have the peole of the hotel scard out of there wis but theree little prank wakes up something evil and will stop at nothing to get them.

KC said...

In the book I just read yesterday the main character Stacey Brown has a tendency to feel she has to save everyone she dreams about. She sometimes goes against better judgement. Like breaking and entering an unknown house.

Unknown said...

Chelsea Banks(:

The main character of the color purple is Celie. She is a woman who was sent off to marry an abusive husband.She's a very quiet person.She listened to what she was told until one day she found her voice.She started to do what she wanted to do not what her husband told her to. She is a very insprational woman.

Ryan Seidewitz said...

Peeta- smart, quick thinking teenage who is brave and willing to do anything. He is always calm and knows what to do in a tough situation.

Unknown said...

The character in my books name is amanda and she acts like a normal high school student. She sorta popular in her group of friends and she kind of seems outgoing.

Unknown said...

Im like stacy brown in the story because she is a girl that is ful of exploration and imangination too. She likes to explore new places and be adventurous. She likes mysteries and is not afraid to go into really dark places.

lexie(: said...

Well I am reading 13 reasons why. One of the characters is named Clay. 13 tapes get sent to him. He's like really nice and stuff.

Unknown said...

I'm going to discribe Jacob. He comes from a old indain tribe. They were descendant from wolves. At times Jacob becomes very angry and can't control himself. I like Jacob because he cares enough about Bella to protect her by staying away. He doesn't want her to be harmed in anyway. I feel the same about my friends and family. I'd do anything to protect them.

Alyssa George said...

Although she's not one of the main characters in the book, the book wouldn't be here with out her. She taught them about the Haulocaust and that changed there lives, because they didnt know anything about it until she taught them it. She played games with them like the line game. To show people what there lives were like at home or where ever. Without Erin Gruwell some of these kids would not graduate or maybe even live.

Unknown said...

Tiki Barber is a character in my book that i like. The other main character is ronde barber his brother. I like tiki better. He is very good at football and he is a runningback. He is funnier than ronde.

tabby said...

Im talking about the girl name jen from the book jinx. She is a good charictor to talk about. She is traped in a world of truble she is jinxed.

Unknown said...

the main character Jona got the special job as the giver. hes the only one in the neiborhood who hass color, and can see the past, present, future.